Obituaries & Guestbook

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Rev. Dr. James Klein

Dec 30, 1954 - Oct 22, 2024


Rev. Dr. James (Jim) W. Klein passed peacefully on October 22, 2024, surrounded by family with songs, stories, and laughter. The cultivation of Jim’s loving spirit began early, as he was born a triplet in Hustisford, Wisconsin, on December 30, 1954, to Rev. Hilbert and Ruth Klein. Jim maintained a special bond with his brothers John, Jerome, and older brother David, throughout his entire life. He graduated from Fort Atkinson Senior High School, earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in History and Theater Education from Carroll College, a Master of Divinity degree from the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary, and a Doctorate in Ministry from United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities.
Jim wed Mary Mansavage Klein on June 9, 1979. They had three children: Benjamin, Nicholas, and Claire. In his 40-year ministry, Jim served as pastor of St. John’s United Church of Christ (UCC) in Three Oaks, Michigan; associate pastor of Church of Peace and Bethel UCC in Fond du Lac County; Wesley United Methodist Church and Salem Plankroad UCC in Sheboygan County; St John’s UCC in Manitowoc; and two interim pastorates at St John’s UCC, Appleton, and Bethel UCC, Sheboygan County. Jim was actively involved in state and regional UCC Conference committees and served as a delegate to two General Synod meetings.
Jim actively incorporated theater and the arts into his ministry, founding St. John’s Players in Manitowoc, Wisconsin, which produced annual summer plays for the past 20 years. Jim enjoyed strength training, playing volleyball, painting watercolors, spending time with his grandchildren (who lovingly referred to him as Tza Tza), and returning summer after summer to Moon Beach Camp since childhood. He was a member of the Sheboygan County Historical Society and completed many genealogy projects.
Jim was diagnosed with a non-Hodgkins lymphoma brain tumor in May 2016 and survived for eight years. He was diagnosed with a recurrence of cancer in July 2024. Throughout this journey, he found support and encouragement through many friends in Livestrong at the Sheboygan County YMCA, in addition to the staff and care teams of Vince Lombardi Cancer Clinic in Sheboygan, Wisconsin.
Jim was a kind, gentle soul who approached life with grace, plenty of silliness, and generosity of spirit. He was a good man who will be deeply missed by everyone.
He is survived by his wife, Dr. Mary Klein, sons Dr. Benjamin Klein (Ruth Bergman), and Nicholas Klein, daughter Rev. Claire Klein (Jacob Ristow), and grandchildren Rowan, Ellieana, Jocelyn & Olive, and brothers David and Jerry. Jim was preceded in death by his parents, Rev. Hilbert and Ruth (nee Markwardt) Klein, brother Rev. Dr. John Klein, and sisters-in-law Carol (Crema) Klein and Carol (Steinke) Klein.
A celebration of life will be held Friday, November 15, with visitation from 4-6 PM, followed by a service and ice cream social at First Congregational UCC, 310 Bluff Ave, Sheboygan, WI 53081. Jim’s service will be livestreamed and can be viewed by visiting the church website at In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Vince Lombardi Cancer Foundation, Moon Beach Camp of St. Germain, Wisconsin, St. John’s Players of Manitowoc, or Livestrong at the Sheboygan County YMCA.


Date: Friday Nov 15, 2024
Time: 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Location: First Congregational Church [map]

Memorial Service

Date: Friday Nov 15, 2024
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Location: First Congregational Church [map]



Guestbook Entries SIGN GUESTBOOK

Marion Nelson Koetsier

I just learned of James' passing. We were in the same confirmation class at Zion United Church of Christ in Baroda, MI as teenagers where his dad was the pastor. He was a wonderful person and I am so sorry to hear of his passing. My condolences to you. He will be surly be missed.

Darla Banfi

We will watch the service online. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you.

Cathy Benjamin

Prayers ascending for Mary and the entire family as you adjust to life without your beloved Jim. He was a remarkable, faith filled gentleman who will always be a part of my Moon Beach memories.

Sister Lois Connors

Watched in memory of Florence . The digital reception for me was difficult, but I persevered from 6:30 to 8::15. So we were with you in spirit. The opening hymn Finlandia was a favorite of Florence which she played with deep feeling.Jim leaves a great legacy and of course Florence would of been proud of her godchild..RIP Jim.

Linda and Chuck Buchs-Hammonds

We really appreciated the livestream option for Jim’s service tonight. It’s not the same as being there - giving in person hugs - but it was so good to hear the sentiments about Jim shared during this time. Jim was one of the good ones who blessed the world through his family, friendships and ministry. He will be missed.

Haley Szajkovics (Vick)

I am so sorry for your loss. I will miss seeing Jim at Moon Beach in years to come but I know he will be there in spirit. He is so well loved by all of us. I’m sending all of the love I can muster to the Klein family.

Janice L Davis

Matthew Kras

Deepest condolences to the family and friends of Jim Klein. It was a pleasure to meet this man of wisdom, service, and good will.

Gordy Koch

Jim was a special friend. In our Men’s griup Bible Study he always had extremely valuable perspective and I could listen to his comforting voice for hours. His contributions to our families will be dearly missed. We will always remember Jim. A special child of God. Thanks to his wife Mary too who complemented so many things he truly cared about.

Rosalynn and Josh Verges

Sending prayers for peace and comfort.

Vicki Wuolle

Holding you all in love.

Dee & David Ban

We are here with you in spirit and love. Jim was a wonderful man with a wonderful family. Mary, you are a warrior wife and mother. Your faithful love has been obvious to all of us. Hugging all of you from Minnetonka.

Rev Rebecca Voelkel

Surrounding you with love and prayers as you celebrate Rev Klein's powerful and faithful life.

Rev. Dr. Jann Cather Weaver

I was a friend and colleague of Jim's at Eden Seminary. I will always remember his gentle and kind spirit. I will pray for all his family, friends, and congregations that mourn him.

Richard and Elizabeth Betts

Peace, shalom, salaam to you Mary and to you family.

elizabeth purdy

our sincere condolences to Jim's family-

David and Lisa Wegener

Jim was such a kind and thoughtful man. He will be missed but we will have fond memories of our times with him at Moon Beach.

Rev. Robert Koepcke

I didn't know Jim for long, but thanks to his open and willing spirit, I believe I knew him well...and I'm grateful!

Chris B Bushman

We enjoyed your ministry as interim pastor at St. John UCC in Appleton. I have fond memories of gentle guidance from him. Blesssings and comfort to Mary and family.

Corrine kokke

What a gentle kind and silly man. Always felt comfortable, peaceful and at ease around him. So glad to have met him.

Linda Buteyn

Mary, We are so saddened to hear of Jim’s passing but rejoice with you that he is singing with the angels! Our deepest condolences to you and your family. Linda and John Buteyn

Sharon Heckendorf

Thoughts and prayers out to you Mary and family during this difficult time.

Beverly A Weigel

I am so sorry to hear of Jim's passing. I have lots of wonderful memories of his time as our pastor. I am unable to come to his service, but know that I am with you in my thoughts and prayers.

Howard Bowman

Mary, Love and care to you and all the Kleins. Jeanne and I have been deeply blessed by our friendship with you and Jim going all the way back to Jim's student ministry at Platteville. You both are gifts and profound examples of faithfulness. Howard & Jeanne Bowman

Steve Savides

Prayers of gratitude for Jim’s loving spirit and faithful ministry! May God grant peace and comfort to all who mourn his passing.

Jill E Meyer

Such a good, kind man. Prayers for Mary and family. Peace, peace and peace.

Wanda and Paul Veldman

Jim has been a beloved colleague and friend to us for 30+ years going back to our days in Fond du Lac and Rosendale. He blessed so many lives. We are lifting the family in our prayers as you face the future.

Frederick Trost

Dear Mary and Members of the Klein Family, Louise and I share the gratitude that is felt for James' life and ministry, which has given faithful expression to the pastoral legacy of the Klein family. James was among those disciples of Jesus in whom "the lips, the heart and the hands" always seemed to agree. He truly lived in the discipleship of Christ and his pastoral heart shall remain a true example of what it means "to serve the Lord with gladness." Like so many others, we give thanks to God for his life as a "servant of the Word" and for your life together as a family

Amy Larson Roloff

Jim will be sorely missed.

Rhonda Collins Groh

Jim remains in my heart as one of those special childhood friends. I am so thankful to have reconnected last summer, peace be with you.

Rev Dr Mark E Yurs

I first became acquainted with Jim at Carroll and was also with him at Dubuque, and had great respect for him and his gentle, Christlike kindness. My sympathy to all in Jim's family and close circle of friends.

Patty Daun

Mary, You were such a kind caretaker. I’m so sorry for your loss. Jim was such a wonderful man. Love and friendship, Patty

Rev. Rev Barb Lòose

Mary and Fzamily THoughts and prayers are with you as you remember a life so well lived. I first met JIm in 1978 when we began our journeys toward ministry. I was blessed by his wise counsel his friendship and faith as well as his gentle good humor. So many words of scripture come to mind but most of all Well done good and faithful servant. May you all be unfolded in the arms of God's loving embrace.

Courtney R. Braunel (Hermsen)

I am so sorry to hear of your loss. My whole family, including myself, sends their condolences, prayers and hugs. Jim, and his family, have been a pillar in who I am as a person. From little on, when I was curious, when I was accepting, when I was difficult, when I was in hard times, when I was absent, and in the best of times, Jim gave me advice, peace, a smile, perspective and so much more. I wouldn’t be who I am today if I hadn’t known him, and I’m so thankful I had the pleasure of being a congregational member as well as an actress under his direction. He will be missed!

Mary Hamachek

I’m so very sorry for your loss! I had the pleasure of being in a couple of his summer plays and he was such a talented director. He will be missed! My thoughts and prayers go out to all his family and friends

Nomvula Munnie

May the family find comfort in knowing that God loved Mr Jim and he is now sitting in the bossom of Jesus. I am sad and angry that I never got to meet him again, I value and treasure the memories and friendship he shared openly with us. I miss the two hands handshake he would give me from the very first time we met him in 2021 and the following year 2022 that handshake never changed it spoke more words than anything else he would say. We are hurting and shocked at his departure but he was ready and willing. May his soul rest in perfect peace and may the Lord give the family, friends and loved one the complete comfort and strength at this time..thank you Dr Mary and Claire for sharing him with us. In Africa we say a giant library has fallen for we continue being inspired by his life journey. Amen, Amen 😭😭😭😭

Ron and Joan Dulmes

Our deepest sympathy goes to all of you in the loss of your beloved husband, father and grandfather. Jim was a wonderful man of God. He was so kind and giving to everyone. He will be missed deeply. Our comfort comes from knowing he is forever with Jesus at peace waiting for all of us to be together again forever. God be with you all and may He hold you close at this difficult time. God Bless you all.